Dr McEvinney & Partners

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Training Practice


We are an accredited training practice with NHS Education for Scotland. Trainee doctors (registrars) work with us for a period of 6 or 12 months and at some point we may seek your consent to video your consultation. The videos are used by doctors training to be a GP to review their consultations with their trainers.

The recording is only of you and the doctor talking together; intimate examinations will not be recorded and the camera will be switched off on request.

All recordings are carried out according to GMC guidlines, are stored securely and will be deleted after one year of recording.

You don’t have to agree to your consultation being recorded so please advise your doctor. This is not a problem and will not affect your treatment in any way.

Dr McEvinney, Dr McLaughlin and Dr Levine are our Practice Trainers.

Our current trainees are Dr Nk Akwu-Ude and Dr Zainab Nawaz.



Medical and nursing students also attend the practice from time to time and we hope you will co-operate with us and help them to learn about general practice. However, you will be informed of their presence in advance and if you do not want them to be present at your consultation your wishes will be respected